- Arrive 10-15 minutes before your interview conducted.
- Research about the company's profile.
- Research about your job description.
- Be open-minded during the interview.
- Shake hands with the interviewer.
- Look at the interviewer's eye (but don't stare at him).
- Turn off your cellphone during the interview.
- Have the extra copy of your resume.
- Have confidence in answering every questions.
- Remember the interviewer's name.
- Sit Formally during the interview.
- Don't chew gums, candys etc.
- Don't pause when delivering your answers and
- Don't Smoke.
- Don't be late
- Don't mention financial matters during the interview
- Don't inquire about salary, bonuses, benefits etc.
- Don't take down notes during the interview.
- Don't contradict the employer's ideas/questions.
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this is really helpful to me.
September 14, 2009 at 7:33 PMPost a Comment